How do I know if I can have abdominal liposuction?

Nowadays the abdominal liposuction It has become one of the most requested procedures, since it helps reduce sizes, shape your figure and eradicate those stubborn fat deposits that neither exercises nor diets eliminate.

However, although it may seem like a simple and common procedure, there are people who cannot have liposuction.

If you are thinking about having liposuction or know someone who wants to have one, this article may interest you.

What happens during abdominal liposuction?

During surgery, anesthesia is applied to the patient; it can be local, epidural or general, depending on the case and the professional’s decision. Then a cannula or syringe is introduced, this will be attached to a vacuum surgical equipment that is responsible for aspirating the fat in the area of ​​the body to be treated.

Abdominal liposuction can last between one to two hours, during which time the patient suffers a large loss of fluids, so to balance the situation, special fluids are administered to replace the lost fluids, this is done intravenously.

What are the risks of abdominal liposuction?

Every surgical intervention represents a risk. In the case of abdominal liposuction, bleeding and allergy to anesthesia are some of the highest risks to consider, there are others that are:

  • Infection. The infections in the dermis They are uncommon but not unlikely, representing a fatal risk for the patient.
  • Kidney and heart difficulties. Due to changes in fluid levels during surgery, the patient may develop kidney, lung, and heart problems.
  • Asymmetry. It is possible that your skin may be left with irregularities, such as rippling or a blotchy appearance, due to damage from the cannula used.
  • Unfavorable healing. Liposuction is designed to leave the least amount of scarring, and with a barely noticeable appearance, however there is the possibility of poor healing.
  • Fat clots. They can cause a fat embolism.
  • Excessive loss or accumulation of fluids. They can produce seromas under the skin, which must later be removed with syringes.
  • Damage to structures of blood vessels, nerves, muscles, abdominal organs or lungs.

What people can’t have liposuction?

When undergoing liposuction, not only must the patient’s physical health be evaluated, but the patient’s emotional and psychological state must also be taken into account.

That is why we will not only name physical conditions, but also psychological conditions.

People who cannot have liposuction:

  • People with organ transplants.
  • People with immunosuppression treatments.
  • Patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Minors without consent of the parent or legal guardian.
  • People with body dysmorphic syndrome.

Special cases that must be observed by professionals:

  • People with heart problems. They must be treated by cardiologists who confirm the feasibility of surgery.
  • People with allergies. In order to prevent any complications, the case must be studied to choose the best option.
  • Patients with obesity. As we had mentioned before, it is not a solution for obesity, there are different factors such as heart or circulatory diseases that put these types of patients at great risk during liposuction.
  • Arterial hypertension. It is important to remember that all surgery carries a risk, no matter how simple it is.

If you want to have liposculpture you must keep in mind that each body is different and therefore the results must be as realistic and focused on your body type, in order to obtain good results.

As always, consult your doctor for a more personalized opinion.